HXP bag filter system is a new filter system. It is character with high precision, big flow, easy installation and maintenance. So it can be widely used in the field of liquid treatment: foods,cosmetic, chemistry, medicine, textile, etc. It consists of the housing, support basket ,and the filter bag..
工作原理/Operate Element
- 要過濾的物體從進料口流入,液體從濾袋內流向濾袋外,經過濾器下出口流入指定容器內,濾除的顆粒雜質被攔截在濾袋中,確保更換濾袋時不致污染下流液體,濾袋更換后可繼續使用。
- The liquid which will be purged should be poured into the bag filter from the inlet, then the liquid flow from the inner surface of the bag to the outer surface. At last, it will be come into the appointed tank. On reverse, the impurity will be held up in the bag. The filter can be recycled when changed another new bag.
產品優勢/Product Merits
- 1、UPVC材質的過濾容器耐腐蝕性強;
- 2、獨特的壓板卡扣密封裝置,使系統更加安全可靠;
- 3、采用獨特的過濾設計技術,有效防止濾袋陷入濾籃內的可能,確保100%無溢漏;
- 4、結構緊湊,外表美觀、安裝操作簡單、占地面積小;
- 5、過濾精度高,過濾范圍為0. 5~200微米;
- 6、單位過濾面積的處理流量大,容污量大,過濾效率高;
- 7、與國外進口袋式過濾器相比,價格優勢顯著。
- 1、UPVC material has good corrosion resistant.
- 2、The unique seal system makes the filter more safety.
- 3、It can prevent the bag plunged into the support basket, no inner leak.
- 4、Good appearance and compact inner construct.
- 5、High precision, the filter range can be from 0.5~200um.
- 6、High eficiency of filter: quick flow of liquid, big capacity of impurity
- 7、The price is more competitive.
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